Top Tips on online networking

Top Tips on online networking

Networking is popular with many business owners and it is easy to see why. It gives you the opportunity to get virtually out of your office as you go online, it’s chance to socialise with other entrepreneurs, you can dress up for the occasion and most importantly, you usually get chance to market your busy in your elevator pitch.

Here at Pängels, we are not just known for being a personal assistant or virtual assistant and helping businesses with their admin, telemarketing, marketing, recruitment and social media (see:

We know more than most about networking, both online and in person, as Jenny Sjollema, our founder, is The Business Woman’s Network (BWN) Coordinator for South Essex and is currently coordinating North Essex meetings too (see:

So here are Pängels, top tips for networking online.

Before the meeting

  • Decide in advance what you want to get out of the meeting, whether it’s to meet three new people, get advice from experienced experts or let people know about your expertise.
  • Do your research on the meeting beforehand to check if business owners from your target audience will be attending that you would like to get to know.
  • Register for the meeting in advance and have the link ready to click to join the meeting when you are ready.
  • Make sure you know how to use the platform being used before the network meeting and practice your 60 second pitch, or elevator pitch.
  • Check your background looks professional or upload a digital background.

During the meeting

  • Get there early so you are not flapping about and looking unprofessional after everyone else has arrived.
  • Be yourself, a genuine, passionate businessperson who would be a pleasure to work with.
  • Don’t attend with the main aim of gaining a new client or trying to sell your products/services.
  • When asked, introduce yourself speaking slower than usual, to make sure people respond and can hear your elevator pitch.
  • Act just as professional as you would at network meeting at a venue which you would attend in person.
  • Take a note of the names and contact details of the other people who are also attending and write yours on the chat. Make sure to contact them later to tell them how good it was to meet them or to arrange a one-to-one.

After the meeting, don’t forget to talk about the event on your social media and go on BWN insiders (you can become a member for £5 a month) to discuss how the meeting has helped you and how you intend to use what you’ve just learnt and follow up by sending emails or messages to your new contacts.

Many of our Pängels clients have come from networking or referrals by people we’ve met at such events. Jenny is sometimes asked to represent other businesses at networking events and give an elevator pitch on their behalf, so let us know if you need our assistance.

We hope these top tips have helped you. If you have any questions, don’t forget to get in touch. Jenny or one of our other Pängels experts will be happy to help you.