Spring clean your emails

Spring clean your emails

Here at Pängels we love it when the weather gets a little bit warmer and the evenings start to draw out. It means we can spend more time doing things we enjoy like getting out into the garden or messing about on the river.

But what about if you’re still snowed under with work? If your email list seems never-ending and you can’t seem to get on top of it? Here’s our top three tips to help you get clear:

  1. Take a good long look at how you use your email. It shouldn’t be a to-do list, so turn off your notifications and don’t get distracted every time a new message pings into your inbox. Diarise some time – perhaps once in the morning and once in the evening – to deal with anything urgent.
  1. Aim to deal with emails once, then either delete them or mark them as done and file them away. Consider filing important emails in your main project files on your computer – and not in your email programme at all.
  1. Deal with inbox clutter. Decide how many newsletters you can reasonably keep track of and then ruthlessly delete and unsubscribe from all the others. It’s amazing how much time you can free up when you’re not hopping from one newsletter to another.

We have recently supported a client with reducing her emails from over 3000 emails in her inbox, down to 200! We do love a bit of filing.

If you’re feeling really overwhelmed then why not ask a virtual assistant to do these tasks for you? They could be done as a one-off job or on a regular basis. A VA could also set up automatic responses for your emails, apply filters to ensure that your email is diverted to the right folders, monitor different email accounts and respond on your behalf if that’s what you want. Just set the parameters and let the VA do the rest.

You can rest assured that you won’t miss anything important while you concentrate on the business of running your business. A VA to spring clean your emails could be just the breath of fresh air your business needs!

Contact us to see how we could help you on 0844 500 7818 or email us on info@pa-angels.co.uk