If you read our most recent blog article, you will have seen that the cost of losing a member of staff is £30,614. that’s not to be sniffed at, but what can we do for you to help you keep the right team?
And why does it matter?
Firstly, the financial implication of employing new staff is huge, however that’s not the true cost to the business owner. For the business owner you gain a lot of additional work to be shoehorned into your already busy schedule, the stress of this can be seriously determinantal to you and your existing team.
Everyone can tell when you are doing the workload of more people than you’ve got and it can have a knock-on effect on profitability, innovation and even staff morale and wellbeing.
But it’s not just about finding the new person to join your awesome team, then you’ve got to ensure they feel happy in their work, understand how you do things, work to your standards, understand what is expected and magically align to your business goals and vision.
It is largely agreed by HR experts that it takes 3 months to onboard a new member of staff. That’s a lot of extra hours for you to find right?
Here’s some strategies to make it easier.
- If you’ve not already done this, we can help you document the onboarding process so that next time someone (not you) can follow your system for ensuring new staff are legal, well informed and happy.
- We can work with your HR and/or employment lawyer to ensure the right documentation is in place. Did you know many employers have out of date or illegal documents for their staff? This means you could be at risk of being unprotected in the eyes of the law and risk a tribunal. It is essential to ensure your handbook, contract, policies etc are up to date and adequate for every member of staff. We know it can be a hassle so we can work with your team to ensure it’s handled professionally and correctly.
- Legal is one thing but what about confidence in the work? If you’ve not already documented all tasks and the structure to your business, with the many software platforms we use we can help you document the process so that everyone knows what they are doing – this process often helps existing team members too.
- If you work with a coach (and we really recommend you do – they help you brain dump everything that is happening for you and your business. They help you visualise the sustainable growth of your company and they can help motivate your team to perform to an exceptional standard too). We can sit in on the team days and learning and development you arrange. We can often spot ways we can make your team be more structured and streamlined, even bypassing you on tasks straight to your team. We often can share ideas to help with sustainable growth too. We work with a diverse range of businesses so see a lot of ideas in practice.
- We can help you monitor KPI’s (Key performance Indicators) that you set up with your coach and monitor how the team, you and the business are doing against these. Raising awareness to areas of concerns, as well as areas you are excelling so you can look to do this again.
- If we work with your team, we can become more aware of their needs too. Keeping your eyes on all your team can be challenging. It’s good to know that we are used to working with all size teams and will be honest with you if we see a team member struggling. This is always handled confidentially and considerately – we know how much you care about your team, and we will work extensively to help you help them.
- A great way to keep your team happy is to have an unstructured meeting once a month or once every 3 months. A chance (usually away from the workplace) to discuss what is working for them, what they are struggling with, what they’d love to see the company get (yes, we’ve heard puppies, chocolate and loungers be requested!) and what improvements they’d love to make. This is often done with your coach to ensure it’s not a chance to “Attack the boss” so that’s it's constructive and productive. We can be on note taking and this helps with KPI’s and business and team growth over the coming months too.
This is a fun way to bring your team all together and help them bond together into a dynamic group – that’s going to be good for business!
So here is our contact information so you can start talking to us about making your business day easier and more efficient - https://pangels.co.uk/contact/