Like many of us during these unprecedented, crazy times, we are having to find new ways working. Having been self-employed for nearly 9 years, I'd like to share some tips and advice about working from home.
Bearing in mind that some of you will be home schooling children, as well as dealing with husbands, and the like, plus trying to find some "me time” too.
Here are 3 tips to help with your work life balance.
- Create work areas
Having your own space is key. Somewhere to put your laptop and a notebook. This doesn’t have to be a desk, but somewhere you can concentrate on the work you need to get done. Also, an area for the children to study, away from you if they're old enough.
- Make a plan
It’s so important for us to still get up on time, clean your teeth and get dressed, this will make the best start to your day.
When we're in the office, we are guided by our 9 to 5 day; meetings scheduled, lunch breaks, deadlines to meet, etc. Things become a little more fluid when you’re at home.
Create a timetable for you to work from and try to stick to at the best your ability. Create a schedule for the kids too and ensure everyone in your house are aware of it.
- Have peace of mind
At the end of the working day, close away your working space, and make time for your family and you. Try and get some fresh air, if your allowed to, even if it’s just a walk around the garden. Maybe do some exercise or yoga from home.
And as the BT advert said, “it’s good to talk,” so pick up the phone, talk to your friends and keep in touch with your family and colleagues and have a virtual cuppa.
Don’t beat yourself up at the end of the day if you or the kids haven’t completed everything, there is always tomorrow!
I hope you’ll find these tips and advice useful for your business and your wellbeing.
Keep safe and take care out there!